Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Only HW due Wed is Flamethrower

Flamethrower is Due by Wed midnight, email me the playblast or animation you have posted on youtube.

Wed night class is a walk.

Particle Tutorial

Last Chance to submit your slag movie.

In Class tonight we will step through Fluids via Gnomon.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Balloon Homework

Homework Due next class:

Last chance to turn in your slag movie!

a playblast and show me your Maya scene of your animated Balloon popping.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Turn in your movie!

Instructor Share coding experience:

remote animators in production tool
submission plugins tool (AE to RR)

select and render specific geo with the rest a hold out (background shader)
fairy dust

What is MEL?

Maya Embedded Language = MEL

Now most scripting is done in pyMel

MEL is what is written to a .ma file.

Solve a simple problem:
We want a light to flicker

How do we do that?

light1.intensity = noise(time)*0.1+1.6;

How do we make a 1x1 box?  sphere? with MEL?

Syntax, ':' <object>.<attribute>

What does the mod operator do?

What is a variable? why do we need them?


Declare Var:
string $myName = "<myName>";
int $myAge = <age>
float $myHeight = <hight in inches>

Declare Array:
string $drawer[];
$drawer[0] = ?
$drawer[1] = ?
print $drawer;

string $allInScene[] = `ls`;

string $onlySelected[] = `ls -sl`;


Key all your cubes

For Loop:

string $objects[] = `ls -sl`;
print $objects;

for ($singleObj in $objects)
    float $rx = rand(-30-30);
    float $ry = rand(-30-30);
    float $rz = rand(-30-30);

    move -a $rx $ry $rz $singleObj;

move forward in time: key all your cubes


polyCube -w 5 -h 2 -d 1 -sx 1 -sy 1 -sz 1 -ax 010 -ch 1;

  • Create a shelf button from the Script Editor

Class: Model a stone

How to Execute others MEL scripts

Download rockGen.mel

source rockGen File, launch rockGen