Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Python beginings

Show your homework.

Use the powers of the internet to help you:

Create a python script that makes 20+ spheres in a loop and place them randomly around your scene.

Look up (google) how to move/rotate/scale things with python in Maya and copy someone else's code tweak it to get your own altered results.

What does this script do?

lightsInScene ='light')

percentage = 1.0

# If there are no lights in the scene, there is no point running this script
if not lightsInScene:
raise RuntimeError, 'There are no lights in the scene!'

# Loop through each light
for light in lightsInScene:

# The getAttr command is used to get attribute values of a node

currentIntensity = cmds.getAttr('%s.intensity' % light)

# Calculate a new intensity

newIntensity = currentIntensity * percentage

# Change the lights intensity to the new intensity

cmds.setAttr('%s.intensity' % light, newIntensity)

# Report to the user what we just did

print 'Changed the intensity of light %s from %.3f to %.3f' % (light, currentIntensity, newIntensity)

Change this script so it will set all lights to the desired exact intensity.

Just like the Homework:

import maya.cmds as mc

from random import uniform as rand # import python's random.uniform module and give it a nickname
for i in range(20): # create 20 of these
    mc.polySphere(radius=rand(0.2,1)) # create a sphere with random radius
    mc.move(rand(-5,5),rand(-5,5), rand(-5,5)) # move to a random position within a 10x10x10 cube

Change this so the sphere are dispersed  across a larger area and more variety in radius (between 1 and 20).

Final Assignment
Each student will choose a project which involves either scripting(mel/python) or fluids or dynamics of some sort.  The concept will be extremely short but developed to completion, so it could appear on your reel.

For example:  If you want to make a Python or Mel tool create a working script/UI/etc and screen cast yourself demonstrating how your script works.

For example: If you want to create a bottle rocket launching see the project through to render and show break down of what you created.

You have 1 hour to inform the Instructor of what you want to deliver.

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